Cost and Value

Many people call us up and ask “how much does it cost to frame a picture?”. Well, that’s a big question with no one-size-fits-all answer.

What we can say is that the cost is relative. Things that go into cost are the size of your piece, what it is (some media require different handling treatments than others), what the design consists of – i.e. is it matted, the style and finish of the frame, etc. Designing and pricing are a process. It’s important to think of framing as a custom piece of furniture for your walls, rather than something pre-made that’s pulled off the shelf. Every piece is unique.

That said, we offer a range of options from economical package pricingwhere your choices are limited to a selection of budget-minded mouldings and a single mat, to sumptuous, hand-carved frames finished with 22k gold, fabric mats, and other adornments, and much in between the two. The possibilities are vast. We can approach the design process from purely a budget perspective or we can let the creativity flow and see where that leads. And frequently it’s a mixture of the two. Communication is the key – if you have a strict budget, let us know – we can work with that. Ultimately, we want you to be happy with what we do.

What about discounts? You may be familiar with some large chain-stores offering huge discounts. Let’s be clear – that’s a game they play to get you in their store. In order to offer you those discounts, they typically jack their prices up to begin with. Others might routinely offer a 25% discount for no apparent reason. We don’t do that. We believe in consistently offering the best pricing we can and honoring your intelligence as a consumer.

Let’s talk about value. Well designed, quality crafted picture framing can last a lifetime and beyond. How many things we purchase for our homes can we say that about? Not many – not our sofas, our televisions or beds. Yet those things typically cost more than the average picture framing project. Many of the vendors we work with offer high-quality products made in the US or Europe. A small selection of our products are made in Asia. We strive to work with companies that honor the planet by using sustainably sourced wood and honor their employees by paying a living wage.