We regard picture framing as not just a craft, but an art. We believe that good framing design makes all the difference not only in terms of the presentation and perception of your artwork but also for it’s overall well being over time. Our goal is to enhance the essential beauty of whatever is being framed and to uphold conservation standards to ensure the longevity of the piece. We enjoy being creative with what we do in order to arrive at a design that will showcase the artwork without detracting. To read more about our philosophy on framing click here

From Simple to the Sublime…
From the smallest, simplest child’s drawing to works by the Masters, family photographs, heirloom treasures, needlework, Aunt Martha’s spoon collection or any other kind of special project, we give every piece our fullest attention.

With 1000s of moldings to choose from, our selections range from natural woods to 23k gold, welded steel to hand-tooled leather, ultra-contemporary to period reproductions, and everything in between. In addition to the standards, we carry many lines that you will not find most other places – hand carved and hand finished by artisans here in the U.S., with unique designs that will give you a totally personal look for your art and your walls. Our vast molding selection is the palette we use when designing framing. If there is something you can think of that you don’t see in our shop, we can either get it, or create it. We also deign and finish some of our own frames in house. We can customize a finish on an existing molding and/or create moldings of our design for a specific piece. We are not limited to what is on our walls!
Here is a cross section of some of our mouldings….click here!

We are honored to have numerous clients from all around the country. If you’re coming to Ashland for a visit, please don’t hesitate to bring your framing projects with you – or ship them ahead and design them while you’re here. And if you are not planning a trip to Ashland, we can work on designs via email. We have a special visualization software that enables us to come up with several design options and create a virtual finished piece for you to view on your computer at home. This software allows us to explore the design process in depth and help you to see just how a piece will look when it’s finished. We can have conversations about your needs, wants and desires for your artwork and create the perfect solution, no matter where in world you live!

See my article from Picture Framing Magazine about working with out of town customers here.
Houston’s Custom Framing and Fine Art
280 East Hersey St., Suite #11, Ashland, OR
541.482.1983 toll free 877.566.5542