We love photos and we love fixing them! We are pleased to offer state-of-the-art photo restoration to repair and preserve those precious photos for you and your family to enjoy and treasure for years to come. Working with digital photo restoration techniques, we can take an old damaged photo and give it new life! We can also make other alterations, such as removing unwanted people or objects, changing the background to a portrait studio look, or recreating a favorite photo as a watercolor, oil painting or pop-art treatment!
Below are some examples of restoration work:

1. Provide us with the photo to be restored – this can be done in person, through the mail or via email for digital files. If you are providing a digital file for us to work with, either by email, on a cd or flash drive, the image must be at least 1MB for best results. The smaller the file the poorer the reproduction quality will be. Give us a call if you are not sure.
2. Tell us the specifics of what you would like done, if it is not obvious. For example an old photo of your grandparents with a large rip is an obvious fix. However, if that same photo has an a person or object that you’d like to have removed, let us know – we can do that! Another example would be if there was extreme fading and you wanted the color restored. If you knew your mother’s dress was blue, but it’s faded to grey, let us know you want it blue.
3. We print your restored image in house, on the type of paper that will be the most authentic for your image. In other words, we print vintage images on a matte paper that is very similar to the original. More contemporary images, say from the 60s and 70s, will be printed on a luster (semi gloss) or glossy paper. The type of paper that your image is printed on is key in the success of the restoration. We can also print onto canvas. A good choice if you’re having a photo re-done in a stylized treatment, such as oil painting. This photo of Mingus has the subtle brush stroke effect applied to it.
If you have any questions what so ever please give us a call. We’d love to hear from you!
4. Enjoy your restored photograph! That’s it!
For a free cost estimate and turnaround times, click here.
Houston’s Custom Framing and Fine Art
541.482.1983 or toll free – 877-566-5542